“Attuned Participation” with Benjamin this Sunday

February 14, 2025

“Attuned Participation” with Benjamin this Sunday

Dear Community,

Sunday 10am Community Practice & Discussion

This Sunday Benjamin will lead a practice and exploration of “Attuned Participation,” based on Ajahn Amaro’s writing in The Breakthrough (freely available here) below:

Pure awareness is not in any way passivity; it is mindful participation. Pure awareness is an attuned participation in the life of our body, our home, our family, our meditation retreat. We are attuning to the time, the place, the situation. So this quality of letting go is not to do with freezing ourselves or stopping in our tracks, but more about learning how to let our actions, speech and life be in accord with the people we’re with, the situation we’re in and the needs of the moment. Letting go of becoming is therefore not an exercise in disengaging from society, stopping our thoughts or freezing our emotions. When we’re walking on our meditation path we don’t suddenly become frozen in place: That’s not the point of the practice. The end of becoming is not stopping your footsteps – it is letting go of compulsion, letting go of identification. When it’s time to walk, you walk. When it’s time to be still, you are still.

All are welcome to join this exploration on Sunday! Registration and Zoom information available here.

With mettā,

Minneapolis Insight