Exploring "Cultivating Happiness" with Jane Rauenhorst this Sunday at 10am; Alex Haley Teaching Nine Bodies Insight Daylong Retreat 4/29

April 14, 2023

Exploring "Cultivating Happiness" with Jane Rauenhorst this Sunday at 10am; Alex Haley Teaching Nine Bodies Insight Daylong Retreat 4/29

Dear Community,

Sunday 10am Weekly Meditation & Discussion: “Cultivating Happiness” with Jane Rauenhorst

This Sunday Jane Rauenhorst is looking forward to continuing our exploration of happiness, through the contemplation of various Buddhist writings on happiness. We look forward to considering such questions as: What is the true nature of happiness and are there wholesome ways in which to “pursue happiness”? A quote from Joseph Goldstein:

When the mind is tranquil, free of desire, even temporarily, a kind of happiness and ease arise…. And it is this happiness of tranquility that, in turn, become the conditioning factor for concentration and liberating wisdom.

Register here to join us — we hope to see you there!

Alex Haley Teaching Nine Bodies Insight Retreat 4/29

Alex Haley will be teaching a Nine Bodies Insight daylong retreat on April 29th for both new and continuing students. You can find more information and registration here. This event is hosted by Dharma Ground.

With metta (loving-kindness),

Minneapolis Insight