Dear Community,
Exploring “Unencumbered Knowing” this Sunday at 10am with Jean Haley
Last week Benjamin invited us to directly experience reality through the Elements Practice, one of the foundational practices for mindfulness of the body. Rather than getting caught in concepts and ideas, we can enter into our experience unencumbered.
This is what Upasika Kee Nanayon, a revered Thai lay teacher of the last century, calls “unentangled knowing.” Ajahn Sumedho talks about it this way: “There is the conditioned, the unconditioned and the knowing. What is the knowing? Is it memory? Is it consciousness? Is it ‘me’? I’ve never been able to find out, but I can be aware. In Buddhist meditation we stay with the knowing: being aware, being awake, being Buddha in the present, knowing that whatever arises passes away and is not-self. We apply this knowledge to everything, both the conditioned and unconditioned. It is transcending – being awake rather than trying to escape – and it is all in our ordinary activity. . . Conditions are extraordinary, but the peace of mind, the unconditioned is so ordinary that nobody ever notices it.” (If you’d like to read more, you can find it here in the little pamphlet Now is the Knowing)
Please join us this Sunday for a continued exploration of knowing. What do you know about unencumbered knowing? Have you had the experience of knowing that you know? What helps you? What hinders you? Registration and Zoom information available here.
Full Moon Gathering Saturday, June 3rd at 7pm
Each month, on the full moon, we gather via Zoom to practice together and offer support for reflection, renewal and re-commitment to the values and practices that give our lives meaning and balance.
Our June Full Moon Gathering is June 3rd at 7pm. We hope that you can join us as we come together for meditation and sharing; offering ourselves a time to attend to the wisdom that dwells within each of us and that arises between us. Registration and Zoom information available here.
With metta (loving-kindness),
Minneapolis Insight