Exploring "Wholesome Desires" this Sunday with Jane R

May 24, 2024

Exploring "Wholesome Desires" this Sunday with Jane R

Dear Community,

Weekly Practice Meeting 5/26 with Jane R

Phillip Moffitt, in his book "Dancing with Life: Buddhist Insights for finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of Suffering" offers an in-depth exploration of the wisdom of the Four Noble Truths. As he explores the causes of suffering in the Second Noble Truth, he teases out the difference between wholesome and unwholesome desire and their relationship to suffering. He says, “mindfully exploring wholesome desires is more subtle and complex than working with unwholesome ones”. He encourages us to embrace our wholesome desires and not abandon them or try to pretend that we don’t have them or be upset with ourselves when they arise. Instead, he offers skillful means to guide us to be in relationship with our wholesome desires without getting caught in the “stickiness of attachment” so that we are able to be more “available to respond to what is arising with unselfish, unconditioned love”. As with many of Phillip’s teachings, these have practical, everyday relevance to our ability to live a full and joyful life.

We hope that you will join us on Sunday to practice and explore these teachings together. Here is the link to register and join.

With deep appreciation for this sangha,

Minneapolis Insight