"It's Not Personal" tomorrow with Jean Haley at Minneapolis Insight

June 22, 2024

"It's Not Personal" tomorrow with Jean Haley at Minneapolis Insight

Dear Community,

Sunday 10am Community Practice & Discussion

Last week, Alex M. led us through an exploration of the Five Aggregates of Experience (physical form, feeling tones, perception, mental formations, and consciousness). All of human experience can be found in one of these groups (or “heaps” as they’re sometimes translated). "By directing attention consistently to how these aggregates combine to create our known experience, we can begin to notice the lack of ownership and control we possess.”

Using mindfulness as our tool and the aggregates as our object of attention, we begin to see, over and over again, the true nature of all phenomena: impermanent, impersonal, and imperfect.  

This Sunday with Jean Haley we will continue our inquiry into how we can move from “me” to “we” – from understanding our experience as “it’s all about me” (the personal) to “it’s part of being human” (the impersonal).  This shift is the basis for compassion.

As Pema Chodron says: “We cannot be in the present moment and run our storylines. . . If you’re willing to drop the storyline, you feel exactly what all other human beings feel.  It’s shared by all of us. . . If  you do the practice genuinely, it awakens our sense of kinship with all beings.”

Please join us this Sunday as we practice the dharma together.  All are welcome! Registration and Zoom information available here.

With metta (loving-kindness),
Minneapolis Insight