"Practicing with the Noble Eightfold Path" with Alex Meyers this Sunday

June 8, 2024

"Practicing with the Noble Eightfold Path" with Alex Meyers this Sunday

Dear Community,

Sunday 10am Community Practice & Discussion

Apologies for the late email! We want to confirm that we will be meeting tomorrow, 10AM, as usual. We hope you'll join us for a period of practice and reflection. All are welcome! Registration and Zoom information available here.

This week, Alex M will offer some reflection practicing with the Noble Eightfold Path, eight aspects of our practice and life which are to be cultivated as we develop our minds and spirits. The first path factor is Right View, which Joseph Goldstein describes in Mindfulness as:

"The important first step on the path because it sets the direction. No matter how long or difficult our journey may be, if we're heading in the right direction and we keep on going, we'll certainly reach the goal. If we don't know the right direction, then even with strong aspiration and efforts, we might wander for a long time and never reach our destination. The Buddha said that just as the dawn is the forerunner and precurser to the rising sun, so is Right View the forerunner and precursor of the breakthrough to the four noble truths."

Right View, which encompasses the Four Noble Truths and the other path factors, is an important jumping off point for our practice and lives, and helps us have an appropriate understanding of our role in our own development. Please join us for discussion of this important practice element!

With metta (loving-kindness),
Minneapolis Insight