Dear Community,
Sunday 10am Community Practice & Discussion
This Sunday Benjamin Hohl will lead an exploration of “The Ease of Awareness” based on Sayadaw U Tejaniya’s Lion’s Roar article, “Awareness, from the Moment You Wake Up.” All are welcome! Registration and Zoom information available here.
Here is an excerpt from the article:
A meditator’s job is to remember to be aware.
Whether you are standing, sitting, lying down, or walking, if you remember that you are aware, then you are meditating, and you are cultivating the positive qualities of the mind.
….The meditating mind must be relaxed. We should never focus too much or try too hard. Right effort isn’t about intensely focusing attention on something.
…[S]ometimes when we make an effort, we do so unskillfully. At these times, one or more of the three unwholesome roots come into the mind, and our effort becomes wrong effort.
Whenever craving, aversion, or delusion is present and motivating the practice, we begin to overexert. When we want experience to be a certain way, that’s craving, and we start to strive and to put in too much effort. When we are dissatisfied with something, that’s aversion, and we try to avoid it or make it go away. Focusing hard makes us tired. It’s happening because of craving, aversion, or ignorance of the practice. We need to soften our focus and relax. There should be continuous effort but not exertion.
With metta (loving-kindness),
Minneapolis Insight