“The Importance of Spiritual Friendship” with Jane this Sunday at Minneapolis Insight

January 3, 2025

“The Importance of Spiritual Friendship” with Jane this Sunday at Minneapolis Insight

Dear Community,

Sunday 10am Community Practice & Discussion

From Jane: As we enter this new year I think about the gifts of this sangha in my life and I reflect on the often cited emphasis that the Buddha gave to the importance of spiritual friendship as we pursue this path.

In the Upaddha Sutta (SN 45.2) there is a conversation between the Buddha and his disciple Ananda in which Ananda enthusiastically declares “This is half of the holy life lord; admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie.” And the Buddha replies; “Don’t say that, Ananda. Don't say that. Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the whole of the holy life. When a (person) has admirable people as friends, companions, and comrades, they can be expected to develop and pursue the noble eightfold path.”

And in the Itivuttaka (1.17) the Buddha says; “I don’t envision any other single factor like admirable friendship as doing so much for a (person) in training. A (person) who is a friend with admirable people abandons what is unskillful and develops what is skillful.

And in a reference in (AN 8.54) the Buddha points out that, admirable friendship means not only associating with good people, but also learning from them and emulating their good qualities.

I look forward to reflecting on our experience of spiritual friendship and sharing our practice together this Sunday. Everyone is welcome. Registration and Zoom information available here.

With mettā,
Minneapolis Insight